Alarm System

Navigating the Alarm Installation Maze

Navigating the Alarm Installation Maze: Sidestepping Common Pitfalls

Location Blunders When it comes to installing an alarm system, one of the most common mistakes is incorrect placement. Placing alarms too close to doors or windows can expose them to weather elements, leading to malfunction. Similarly, installing them in hard-to-reach places can make maintenance a chore. Also, overlooking the integration with a camera system …

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Alarm System

Unleashing the Power of Safety: Maximising Your Alarm System’s Potential

Elevate Your Home’s Safety with the Right Alarm System Set-up Every homeowner wants to ensure their family and belongings are safe from potential threats. The key to effective protection is not just having an alarm system, but also optimising its setup for maximum security. Begin with a thorough assessment of your property. Identify vulnerable entry …

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